
Packaging expert, Thekla Heineke, in her SAT1-Interview about packaging design

What constitutes good packaging, Mrs. Packaging-expert?

Packaging expert, Thekla Heineke, in her interview with SAT1

Thekla Heineke, Creative Director of kakoii, is the packaging expert of the SAT1-program, Akte 2014 Rede und Antwort.

Why is so much packaging not as practical and easy to use as we would like it to be? Is it miscalculation by the manufacturer, inability, ignorance, or simply price pressure that often leads to frustrating solutions? The popular program on Sat1 asks the critical questions of products that are not often scrutinized.

In her interview, Thekla Heineke provides insights into the many variables that determine the development of packaging. She also explains how it is possible to develop “urbane” packaging that is easy to use but does not compromise shelf impact or stopping power without a great deal of expenditures.

Broadcast date: Tuesday, March 4 at 10:15 p.m. www.sat1.de

Additional information is available in our topic: packaging design
